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Manual Therapy in Internal Organs Diseases

Mobilisation of the kidneys and renal fascia with the gastrosplenic ligament in holistic approach.

Recently, we were visited by a patient diagnosed with an autoimmune disease of a gynaecological origin. She struggled with this problem for over three years. Normal functioning was impeded by frequent headaches, thoracic and lumbar spine pains, and also constant states of weakness, somnolence, and exhaustion.

The interview revealed that the problem arose a few weeks after acute pyelonephritis. The patient was hospitalized and underwent pharmacotherapy (5 antibiotics in the span of 3 weeks). Lumbar pain subsided, but the gynaecological problem, and the rest of symptoms only started to develop.

The patient described the three-year-long therapy, including pharmacological treatment with the use of steroids, as well as the gynaecological treatment, i.e. laser therapy, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), and modern photodynamic therapy. None of the mentioned methods of treatment caused significant improvement.

During the conducted tests and observations I realised that the patient’s neck is in protraction, she also had hunched position and protruding right costal margin, or to put it simply – scoliosis. While diagnosing the tongue, I observed deviations responsible for kidney disturbances, dehydration, and increased mucus production.

The overall dryness of the organism and strain of the renal fascia, as well as past inflammation led me to work on this structure.

The whole area was quite tender and very painful during palpation. I started the treatment from stretching and mobilising the renal fascia. Having worked on the right side, I found a new symptom, more specifically – a lateral displacement of the ribcage relative to the hips (pseudo-scoliosis), and dizziness which subsided after few minutes. Afterwards, I started working on the left kidney (more painful), which changed the position of the right costal margin.

It’s incredible how internal organs can influence our posture!

After this part of treatment, the patient was a little bit disoriented, she felt dryness in her mouth, and slight vertigo. It was caused by the increase of capacity of particular structure when the blockage was removed, which triggered the chains to work and “calibrate” the system.

We had some time left, therefore I started working on the gastrosplenic ligament and the bladder on which there was significantly less tension than at the beginning of the examination. Why this particular ligament?

During the interview the patient mentioned immune suppression. Illnesses and colds were frequent, up to couple times a year. The patient had low level of erythrocytes, and disturbances in adrenal system in the past, for which spleen may be responsible.

I advised the patient to drink big amounts of water for her organism to be able to normalize hydration. As a result of the therapy, the patient doesn’t experience any gynaecological problems, although the treatment isn’t finished yet.

„Side effects” of the therapy were straightening the hunched position and reduction in the tension of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, and also eliminating the protraction position.

Back pains subsided, headaches – although rarer – are still present. Rest of the symptoms will be taken care of in further stages of the treatment.

As the aforementioned case proves, sometimes the best solution for complicated health problems is the simple solution.