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Manual Therapy in Internal Organs Diseases

Modern manual therapy is able to improve or heal a high number of problems of internal nature, which are being treated by medications, hormones, or operations.

Excerpt from patient’s record:

Age: 30 years old.

Currently pain sensations in the sternum and thoracic spine. Half of 2017 marks the appearance of neck blockage after coughing. Intestinal and digestive problems, earlier asthma and high blood pressure symptoms. Small intestine stagnation, premature menopause, endometriosis, hot flushes every 30 minutes, severe ovary shrinkage. Previous treatment ineffective.

The interview helped us determine huge abdominal blockages, dehydration, and lack of abdominal breathing.
Thanks to our own conception of visceral therapy and hirudotherapy we were able to manually unblock pelvic area, as well as ovarian and huge intestine areas. We taught the patient the correct breathing method, and how to stay hydrated. Another achievement was decrease, and later on disappearance, of hot flushes. Reduction of back pain enabled our patient to finally live comfortably. Intestinal problems subsided completely.

We performed only five therapies so far, we’ll see what effects next meetings well bring.